Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Pip Pip Hooray

Went to our first PIPS meeting tonight-queer little acronym that stands for Parents In Progress. We met up with friends we'd made at our January classes, and also met another couple who live in our town. Their homestudy went to Korea in December so they're a little ahead of us. Nice to hear and talk to others who've been there, done that.
Our s/w was there and we're scheduled for her to come do her home visit on Sunday-yikes! What to expect? I'm glad things are moving ahead though.



At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi TK - Just finished our homestudy. It was really a piece of cake. Your SW is most likely focused on getting you approved and not on weeding you out. Remember that you are both on the same side of wanting to find a family for a kiddo. The home part will probably only take a few minutes so don't get manic with the cleaning. Are you using Holt? We had our first PiP class last night too.

Pam (pamwest@comcast.net)

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Pamplemousse said...

I really don't know anything about the homestudy but I hope it goes well!

At 3:00 AM, Blogger Rhonda said...

WOOHOO for progress!!! What do you do at a PIP meeting??


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