Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Baby steps

We're slowly on our way. While looking through the application from Catholic Charities, one of the conditions is a good amount of life insurance, something we haven't really thought to much about. P has some through his employer while I have none. We decided to get that in place before we start the application. Much to my surprise, our weekend conversation moved him to action-he set up an appointment with our agent for Tuesday. So, yesterday we become insured. Don't worry-P did not insure me for some crazy amount, so he won't be thinking of some way to knock me off and collect the money.
Tomorrow is our 9th anniversay and we're headed back to the beach for a long weekend. I love you, baby!


At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our agency did not require life insurance, but they did ask. J. has insurance, while I do not. My salary as a teacher is not great, so if I were to croak it wouldn't put much of a dent in our portfolio. Have a great weekend!

the middle way


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