Monday, July 31, 2006

Happy News

It seems the entire internet is thrilled that Karen at The Naked Ovary received her referral for her daughter today. She is so darn adorable! It takes me back to when we first got to see Little Guy's face, what an emotional day that was. It was like "okay, so that's who you are. We've been waiting for you".


Sunday, July 02, 2006

Greetings from Vermont

We're quite thrilled to be on vacation #2 of the summer-in Vermont, the weather has been gorgeous. We missed most of the rain that has hit the East Coast, but we had our share before we left. Little Guy's been hiking, to a bluegrass festival where he danced and danced, met some family for the first time, visited a doggy kennel (which was a little scary since it was noisy), and did so very well on the very long drive here. We love where we're staying, at the Stone Boat Farm in Jamaica, VT-we recommend it highly! Posted by Picasa
