Wednesday, June 30, 2004

oooo, I'm giddy-we have a title for the 6th Harry Potter~HP and the Half-Blood Prince. now give us a release date dammit!!!

shots are going well as can be expected for poking myself all the time-I can play connect the bruise. my ovaries have been barking a little bit, Friday's bloodwork will tell, I guess.

and now, time for more shots-woohoo

(the spellcheck wanted to replace bloodwork with bloodthirsty!! bwaahaahaa


Tuesday, June 29, 2004

whine I've been poked 19 times since Fridaywhine


Monday, June 28, 2004

"Courage is about being scared to death...and saddling up anyway"-John Wayne

I just came across this quote, and man, did it resonate with me. I think anyone who's been through recurrent loss has to be pretty courageous to keep trying. some days it just feels like I'm crazy not to say 'enough, I quit', but in the long haul I must have some courage in order to keep going on.

when life hands you lemons, make lemonade...aka what you use when the pharmacy forgets to send a sharps container with your meds and the office staff say "you don't really want to use the big giant honking one, do you?". looks good, eh? Posted by Hello

meds for this cycle Posted by Hello


needles are my life...
4 by 11am!
time for picture pages!


Sunday, June 27, 2004

cyber-friend M transferred 2 boys and a girl yesterday-woohoo!!!

as for me, Lupron yet again, twice a day. once stims start tomorrow, that'll be 6 shots per day. good thing I no longer have a 'thing' about needles...

Friday, June 25, 2004

chai smoothies-nectar of the gods, yum.

now that that's taken care of, we're all set to roll the train out of the station. Lupron starts tomorrow, a.m. & p.m., stims on Monday. also had an acu treatment, w/ my acupuncturist's acupuncturist! today's treatment was "to relax my body and get ready for the shots"-I'll be doing my own relaxing later tonight with my last Mike's Hard Limeade!

Thursday, June 24, 2004

busy day tomorrow
Dr B at 9 for bloodwork and dildocam
acu at 2
happy happy joy joy


Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Welcome to Baltimore
*First you must learn to pronounce the city name.... It is Bawl-mer or Ball-tee-more, depending on if you live north or south of Rt. 40.
*Next, if your road map is more than a few weeks old, throw it out and buy a new one. If it is a Howard County map and is a day old it is already obsolete.
*On Monday you don't wash your clothes, you warsh them. Before you eat a meal you don't wash your hands, you warsh them in wooder.
*Forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere, Baltimore has its own version of traffic rules...."Hold on & pray."
*There is no such thing as a dangerous high-speed chase in Baltimore ... we all drive like that.
*All directions start with... "The Beltway...."....which has no beginning and no end.
*The morning rush hour is from 6am to 11am, the evening rush hour is from 1pm to 7pm... Friday's rush hour starts Thursday morning.
*If you actually stop at a yellow light you will be rear ended, cussed out, and possibly shot. When you are the first one on the starting line, count to 5 when the light turns green before going to avoid crashing into all 5 drivers running the red light in cross-traffic. However, if you don't go as soon as it turns green, you get the finger, a blowing horn, or both.
*Construction on I-97 is a way of life and a permanent form of entertainment. Interesting that it's called an "interstate," it runs only from the Beltway to Annapolis. Opening in 1992, it has been torn up and under re-construction ever since. (Does former Gov. Glendenning have any relatives who build highways?)
*All unexplained sights are explained by the phrase "Oh, we're in GLIMBURNIE!"
*If someone actually has their turn signal on it is probably a factory defect.
*Car horns are actually "Road Rage" indicators.
*All old ladies with blue hair and Buicks have the right of way. PERIOD
*All roads mysteriously change their names as you cross intersections.
*A trip across town (north to south) will take a minimum of four hours, although the tunnel does have, on occasion, more than one lane open. But never on holiday weekends.
*The minimum acceptable speed on the Beltway is 85mph, anything less is considered downright sissy.
*The Beltway is our daily version of NASCAR.
*If the humidity is 98+ and the temperature is 98+ it's May/June/July/August/September.
*If it is 10 degrees, it is Orioles Opening Day.
*If it is 110 degrees, it is opening day at Ravens Stadium.
*If you go to a football game, pay the $75.00 to park in the "Ravens Lot." Parking elsewhere could cost up to $7500.00 for damages, towing fees, parking tickets, etc.
*If some guy with a flag tries to get you to park in his yard during Preakness ... run over him! It's probably not his yard anyway.
*Oh yeah... Welcome to Baltimore, Hon

Monday, June 21, 2004

two more days on the pill, 4 more till I see Dr B. let's get this party started!


Sunday, June 20, 2004

Father's Day, not a big deal in our house. I did get to see Dad this weekend, and P is mailing his dad a card tomorrow-his dad doesn't care it will be late. he thinks cards are a waste but we found one that was too funny for him so he gets a card this year!

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

saw PoA for the third time today w/ two of the cutest 8 year old boys ever, Adam and Ryan. they loved it, and we had a blast.
someday, we'll be able to take our own kid(s) to the movies sigh


Monday, June 14, 2004

how we spent most of our time!! Posted by Hello

we're back from the ocean, what a great week we had! only read 4 books, a low number for vacation for me, but I did catch up on all my magazine reading! we hit the outlets, and saw PoA again on the rainy days.

about 1 more week of pills left...

Friday, June 04, 2004

what a great movie! Posted by Hello


Review of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban:

in the words of Ron Weasley "that was bloody brilliant!" what an amazing movie! it was well-paced, even though it was very late I never felt like 'come on, I need to get to bed'. lots of laughs, the new uniforms are excellent-I SO want a Gryffindor umbrella. No Wood-I do wish they'd have kept at least 1 or 2 of his scenes, but oh well. the twins finally got a chance to show how cool they are as characters! Marauder's Map was really well done, better than I'd imagined it. Gambon/Dumbledore is fine, but I still miss Richard Harris. Singing frogs chorus did make the movie but it fine the little they are in. Crookshanks is awfully cute! Knight Bus was amazing...Hogsmeade looked very cool. Buckbeak was an amazing creature. Trelawney was just as batty as you thought she'd be. Tom at the Leaky Cauldron was kinda weird and Pettigrew is creepy. oooh, the dementors were spooky! we said they're the Ringwraiths now that they're out of a job from LoTR! Snape wasn't in it as much. Puberty has hit Hogwarts-Neville looks so different! thank god they finally allowed Harry to have the messy hair that's only mentioned 50 times in each book. enjoyed the soundtrack, some new themes. the ending was tons better than CoS. I loved it, as did P and the friend we were with. 3 sold out midnite shows-only a few goofballs showed up in costumes! I did wear my Leaky Cauldron t-shirt and Fawkes watch though...I can only hope Mike Newell builds on this movie.


Thursday, June 03, 2004

cd 2=bloodwork and start of the pill for 21 days

otherwise, just getting ready for vacation!!

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

cd 1=bad cramps