Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Yea I can roll over now, so what?

Rolling over has improved to the point where LG no longer lands on his face but can prop himself up on his elbows. Of course this means he now wants to sit upright and gets frustrated when he can't. Everyday it seems he can do something new. Posted by Picasa


Happy Family

Posted by Picasa my sister came to visit which meant someone else got to take pictures!


Friday, August 19, 2005

1 Week Down!

Little Guy rolled over this morning, it was terribly exciting!! You'd think we were at a sporting event the way we carried on and cheered. Of course we tell him all the time that never before in the History of Babydom has there been a baby so adorable and advanced! I guess all parents feel that way too.
Sleeps getting better-in a week we've gone from a 7am bedtime to 12:30 am last night; hoping this means his body clock is getting closer to EDT.
We have also learned that most children's music is absolute crap-1 free cd we received immediately went into the giveaway bag once we heard the cheesy version of "Daddy's Little Girl". LG does have 2 cds of children's songs that was given to him by his foster family, and some nice quiet time cds but we need recommendations for some cool kids tunes. We're set with TMBG's "Here Come the ABC's" but would like to get more music for him.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Gotcha Day

Happy Family
Originally uploaded by pottergrrl.
Without a doubt, one of the most amazing moments in our lives. We are just besotted with our little guy!


Agi, Omma and Appa

Agi, Omma and Appa
Originally uploaded by pottergrrl.
Baby, Momma and Daddy


Friday, August 12, 2005

This is the First Day of the Rest of Our Lives

Today, at 7:30 pm, United flight 862 is due to touch down in DC. Shortly thereafter, our lives will change forever as Little Guy is placed in our arms. The poor babe will have been on two planes and endured about 16 hours in the air, not to mention leaving the only home he has ever known. It's a lot to ask of anyone, much less a 3 month old baby who has no idea of what's going on.
Little Guy, we promise to love you, take care of you to the best of our abilities, and make you feel loved and secure in your new family. Merlin, Gus, Tabby, your Daddy, and I can't wait for you to fill our home with joy.


Friday, August 05, 2005

The Call

The Time: 8:30 am
The Place: my house
The Players: me and our social worker M
The Scene: I'm laying in bed, cuddling with Merlin and watching crappy morning tv when the phone rings...yikes! the phone with Caller ID is in the kitchen, so I run into the room to get it. Ohmygodit'sM'shomenumberwhywouldshecallfirstthingonaFriday? I answer the phone and hear those 4 lovely words: This is The Call
Little Guy is coming home next Friday, August 12th into DC. We can't wait to hold him in our arms and see how much he's changed from his referral picture. He'll be home before his 4 month birthday. We are so blessed!
