Monday, September 27, 2004

In the mail

Beach reading this weekend was The Magician's Assistant by Ann Patchett (highly recommended), The Pleasure of My Company by Steve Martin, & Yes, You Can Adopt. The weather was just lovely, and much relaxation was had.

P is ready to move gung-ho; he asked this weekend when he can start telling people. Bittersweet, as we've had that kind of conversation before with my pregnancies. It feels good to talk about it though. He wants us to fill the application out this week and get the ball really rolling. I called Catholic Charities today just to check if there were any changes since the application we have is from the February seminar-it was updated in March. A new one is in the mail and on our way. We could conceivably be sending it out by this weekend.

This is really happening!


Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Baby steps

We're slowly on our way. While looking through the application from Catholic Charities, one of the conditions is a good amount of life insurance, something we haven't really thought to much about. P has some through his employer while I have none. We decided to get that in place before we start the application. Much to my surprise, our weekend conversation moved him to action-he set up an appointment with our agent for Tuesday. So, yesterday we become insured. Don't worry-P did not insure me for some crazy amount, so he won't be thinking of some way to knock me off and collect the money.
Tomorrow is our 9th anniversay and we're headed back to the beach for a long weekend. I love you, baby!

Monday, September 20, 2004

Hogwarts Express

if only I could take this train to where I need to go... Posted by Hello

Friday, September 17, 2004

I've Seen Everything

Trashcan Sinatras were excellent-well worth the loooong wait. They played most of the new album, which was fine, but we wanted more old stuff too, after all, we've been waiting 10+ years to hear it. The new album is really excellent though, I'm glad they're back.
The title track is our favorite song on the new cd, and I really love the lyrics, particularly the chorus and second verse:
I discover the wheel and watch the buildings go by,
You talk a little soft, turn off the radio.
I just want to hear all the past times,
The rushed hours, the endless lives;
Don't become a burden,
Say the word and be free.

You will find a great weight lifting,
Easing your mind, a great weight lifting,
Just leave it behind, a great weight lifting,
and you will find, a great weight lifting,

It's been a lonely winter hibernating away,
You need a little sunlight on that face.
How long can you stay in the darkness?
Dust round the empty nest?
You could make your way out,
If you lay down the load.

You will find a great weight lifting,
Easing your mind, a great weight lifting,
Leave it behind, a great weight lifting,

You will find a great weight lifting,
Just leave it behind, a great weight lifting,
and you will find, a great weight lifting.

I think that I am starting to lay down my load of IF and all the bitterness, and I can feel a weight lifting.

as a bonus tickets went on sale yesterday for Jamie Cullem in October so P got them for me *does happy dance* The fun never ends!


Thursday, September 16, 2004

Rock and Roll High School

RIP Johnny Ramone.

September Music Month Concert #2 is tonight-Trashcan Sinatras!


Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Now What Do We Do?

So we're back. Lots to chew over. The presentation was good and fairly thorough; I felt like I knew most of it since I've gone through their website pretty closely in the last week or so. Guatemala was the country that most appealed to me-I feel like it's been sending me signs over the past couple of months, but my god the cost-$31,000! I know adoption is expensive, but the minute we got in the car P said "well that's out". We cannot take on that cost. At this point I guess we need to look back over the information packet from Catholic Charities, and talk talk talk. Now it appears P likes China, although back in February he was all about Korea-especially due to the child being escorted here and the fact that they're raised in foster care prior to adoption. He thought the China information was better presented tonight. I know we have more research to do but honestly the orphanage thing scares me. And somewhere deep down in my heart I really feel like I am meant to mother a son.


Adoptions Together

The international adoption seminar at this agency is in 1 1/2 hours. I'm nervous-what if we don't like them? what if we do?


Sunday, September 12, 2004

Couch Potatoes

we got up early-ish to run some errands, as once home we'll be parked on the couch all day for a big day of tv watching:

Ravens vs. Browns
Federer vs. Hewitt-Men's US Open final
at commercials checking how the Orioles and Braves are doing
season finale of Six Feet Under-we're really looking forward to this one; who was on the beach with Lisa? will George move into the bomb shelter? will David confront the freak who kidnapped him?

as I write this, P is trying not to drowse off, and Gus is sacked out next to him. it's a picture-perfect afternoon

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Snow Patrol at the 9:30 Club last night-they rocked!!! it was a great show, they had a lot of energy and sounded good live. JJ-if you can, try and see them!
some band called Eisley opened, they were okay-had a Darling Buds/Throwing Muses vibe.
while we were there picked up tickets for Keane on the 28th, Trashcan Sinatras are next week. September is a busy music month for us.

Friday, September 10, 2004

I'm grieving today. A woman on the board I frequent, who struggled with many IUIs and 2 IVFs, found out that her baby died in utero. She was a week or so past her due date, and should be bringing her daughter home, rather than delivering a stillborn baby. We weren't in any groups together, but I'd 'see' her around the boards and she was always helpful and supportive to other members. This raises the big old ugly WHY that seems to hover around us Infertiles; why would this happen after all she'd been through to have this child? Why, when she would be a loving parent? Why, why, WHY?

And the fact that I got an email from a friend announcing that they're expecting in January didn't help my mood at all. at least she took my advice not to wait till she was in her thirties...

Thursday, September 09, 2004

ah, fun times ahead! we just got tickets for Snow Patrol at the 9:30 Club in D.C. tomorrow, we haven't been there since the club moved. will we be the oldest ones there?! we're excited as well about going to see The Trash Can Sinatras next week, also at the 9:30. our calendar is filling up this month.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

this weekend we briefly entertained thoughts that I had somehow become an Urban Legend-you know, Infertile Woman Who Gets Pregnant After Deciding On Adoption since my usual 28-30 day cycle stretched to 40 days.

okay, stop laughing.

'Twas not to be, even though P told me about a friend of ours who "personally knows 2 people it happened to" and we could have been the third!
whatever. I'm okay with it, actually. my period didn't really interfere with our long weekend at the beach, so the lateness was actually a good thing.

Is anyone else annoyed by Serena Williams outfits at the US Open? She totally rocks, but looks so silly this tournament. I prefer the regular tennis dress for the ladies, call me old-fashioned.